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别名 | OPT-80, PAR-101 | 储存条件 (自收到货起) |
3年 / -20°C / 粉状 1年 / -80°C / 溶于溶剂 |
化学式 | C52H74Cl2O18 |
分子量 | 1058.04 | CAS号 | 873857-62-6 | ||||||||
Solubility (25°C)* | 体外 | DMSO | 100 mg/mL (94.51 mM) | ||||||||
Ethanol | 25 mg/mL (23.62 mM) | ||||||||||
Water | Insoluble | ||||||||||
体内(现配现用) |
* <1 mg/ml means slightly soluble or insoluble. * Please note that Selleck tests the solubility of all compounds in-house, and the actual solubility may differ slightly from published values. This is normal and is due to slight batch-to-batch variations. |
产品描述 | Fidaxomicin是一种窄谱的大环类抗生素,抑制RNA聚合酶σ亚基。 | |
靶点 |
体外研究 | Fidaxomicin在开放的RNAP-DNA复合体形成,即转录开始之前,通过结合到DNA模板-RNA聚合酶(RNAP)复合体而抑制RNA聚合酶。因此,它会抑制蛋白质的合成。所以,易感生物体,如C. difficile的细胞凋亡会被引发。[1] |
体内研究 | 对90%的生物体,fidaxomicin抗C. difficile的最小抑菌浓度为0.9978 到2 μg/mL 。在单次给药或多次给药后,低于定量下限的血药浓度表明Fidaxomicin是非全身吸收的。相反,fidaxomicin的粪便浓度高很多,并呈浓度依赖性。Cmax = 2 hours; Tmax = 5.2 ng/mL; AUC = 14 ng•hr/mL。 Cmax为2小时; Tmax为5.2纳克/毫升; AUC=14纳克•小时/ mL。 Fidaxomicin能够被胃酸或肠道微粒水解成更小的活性代谢物(OP-1118)。细胞色素酶系统不参与fidaxomicin的代谢。 [1] |
Genetic determinants of resistance to antimicrobial therapeutics are rare in publicly available Clostridioides difficile genome sequences [ J Antimicrob Chemother, 2024, dkae101] | PubMed: 38598696 |
High-throughput, fluorescent-aptamer-based measurements of steady-state transcription rates for the Mycobacterium tuberculosis RNA polymerase [ Nucleic Acids Res, 2023, 51(19):e99] | PubMed: 37739412 |
High-throughput, fluorescent-aptamer-based measurements of steady-state transcription rates for Mycobacterium tuberculosis RNA polymerase [ bioRxiv, 2023, 2023.03.13.532464] | PubMed: 36993414 |
Molecular dissection of RbpA-mediated regulation of fidaxomicin sensitivity in mycobacteria [ J Biol Chem, 2022, 298(4):101752] | PubMed: 35189142 |
Myxopyronin B inhibits growth of a Fidaxomicin-resistant Clostridioides difficile isolate and interferes with toxin synthesis [ Gut Pathog, 2022, 14(1):4] | PubMed: 34991700 |
Clostridium butyricum enhances colonization resistance against Clostridioides difficile by metabolic and immune modulation [ Sci Rep, 2021, 11(1):15007] | PubMed: 34294848 |
Drug Repurposing of Pyrimidine Analogs as Potent Antiviral Compounds Against Human Enterovirus A71 Infection With Potential Clinical Applications [ Sci Rep, 2020, 18;10(1):8159] | PubMed: 32424333 |
Antibacterial activity of novel dual bacterial DNA type II topoisomerase inhibitors. [ PLoS One, 2020, 15(2):e0228509] | PubMed: 32074119 |
Antiviral candidates against the hepatitis E virus (HEV) and their combinations inhibit HEV growth in in vitro. [ Antiviral Res, 2019, 170:104570] | PubMed: 31362004 |
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